Saturday, July 10, 2010


I miss the times you reached for me then pulled me ever so near. I miss the times you used to say "I love you" so softly in my ear. Thinking back on how long it has been. I daily long for the time when you kiss me once again. My body aches to feel your arms holding me tight. And just knowing you are there all through the night.

Realizing we both have our own life struggles and pain. Through these days we must not let our feelings wane. Even though we talk each night and each day. My soul still aches with our being far away. I not only need you but want you with all of my heart. And pray to God for a day when we are no longer so far apart.

I am here for the long haul to see this thing out. And in hopes that you are having no doubt. Just know that I have grown to love you and always will. For there is a place in my heart that only you can fill.

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